- Conditori La Glace - Glacette
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kr. 65,00

A Glacette is a big piece of filled chocolate and comes in three varieties; the three Glacettes represents three of the La Glace owners.

  • Henningsen: Almond liqueur, flaked almonds, marzipan and dark chocolate.
  • Stagetorn: Raspberry, marzipan and dark chocolate.
  • Kolos: Caramelized walnuts, mocha in marzipan and milk chocolate.

Price per piece: kr. 65

Can also be found in different seasonal flavors.

SKU: N/A Category:


The Henningsen Glacette is named after La Glace’s first owner, Nicolaus Henningsen, who owned La Glace from 1870-1876. The Stagetorn glacette is named after Merethe Stagetorn, who owned La Glace from 1978-1989. The Kolos glacette is named after the current owner and daughter of Merethe Stagetorn, Marianne Stagetorn Kolos.

Expiration date: 2 months from shipping.

Allergens: almonds, walnuts, milk.