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Othello cake
Othello cake
Othello cake

Othello cake

The Othello Cake is named after Shakespeare’s theatre production by the same name.
The Othello Cake consists of custard cream, a macaroon bottom and chocolate icing. Decorated with a marzipan border, pistachios and butter icing swirls.

Price per piece: kr. 82
10 servings: kr. 820
12 servings: kr. 984
14 servings: kr. 1.148


  • Text up to 20 characters as a marzipan sign kr. 150
  • Marzipan heart in the colour of your choice with text up to 20 characters kr. 180
  • Logo in 1 colour (as a starting point; the final product can vary according to individual
    requirements) kr. 200


Review by L. Thorsø, 2017

Sorry, this entry is only available in Dansk.

Inspireret af Shakespeares tragedie er anmeldelsen på vers
Hendes hud var hvid som marcipan
Hans var brun som chokolade
Desdemona og Othello
Måtte elske måtte hade
Med lidenskab med kærlighed
Med bitter jalousi
Med modsætninger sammenbragt
Som kniven skærer i
Men smag og smil blot af
Tragedier du har mødt
For kagekunsten sørger for
Othello ender sødt